Inquiry and FAQ


Inquiry and FAQ

Thank you for your interest in our site. Please use the form below to contact us about this site. We will check the contents and respond. Before contacting us, please read the frequently asked questions below.

We welcome bug reports. If you notice an error in the data or a malfunction, such as an incorrect line name or station, please contact us from the below forms. We will fix it as soon as possible.

We will only reply by email. We receive many inquiries that include a phone number in the message and request a reply by phone. Please note that we do not respond to phone calls at all. Also, depending on the content, it may take some time to reply, or we may not be able to reply. In particular, we will not respond to requests for technical provision that are not profitable for us.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Inquiry input

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers. Please read it before asking a question.

Q. I want to use images.
A. Publishing on the WEB page is permitted regardless of individual, corporate, commercial or non-commercial use. It is also possible to post on SNS such as Twitter and Facebook, and on videos such as YouTube. It can also be used for flyers distributed free of charge. All of these are available without our permission. On the other hand, selling images as materials and secondary distribution are prohibited. Please check the terms of use for details.
Q. I want to use images for school classes, research materials, and papers.
A. Available. No permission is required for this site. However, it is prohibited to publish it as your own creation. Copyright is not waived.
Q. I want to sell images.
A. Images obtained from this site are prohibited from commercialization, regardless of whether they have been processed or not.
Q. I want to process and use images.
A. There is no problem as long as the processing maintains the image of the original material. For example, there is no problem with changing to black and white, changing the color of the route, changing the background color, etc. Partial use (trimming) and changing the image size (enlarging/reducing) are also no problem. Expressions that are legally problematic, such as offensive, sexual, violent, or discriminatory, or processing that impairs the impression of the material is prohibited. Please use according to the terms of use.
Q. I want to save the image.
A. You can save in PNG format by pressing the button on the page with the "Download image" button.
Q. Tell me when should I have to use a link or credit.
A. If you use images in accordance with the terms of use, you do not need to link to this site or credit the images. If you can include it, please write "nextAxio".
Q. I noticed that the information on stations and routes is outdated.
A. It may be delayed to reflect on the site such as new lines, new stations, and abandoned stations. If you find outdated information, please let us know using the form at the bottom of this page.

Inquiry input

We are receiving a lot of inquiries. Please check the frequently asked questions in advance. Please write your inquiry briefly.

E-mail address
Reply by email only. Please note that we will not be able to reply if you register the wrong email address.
The nickname will be used when calling your name in the reply mail. It does not have to be your real name, and there is no problem with anonymity such as a handle name. Please refer to the privacy policy of this site for the handling of personal information.
Content of inquiry

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