[ 29 stations ] Route map of Joban Line [Shinagawa to Mito] | TYPE-C

Create a TYPE-C route map of the Joban Line [Shinagawa to Mito]. In addition to existing stations and express trains, you can also add imaginary express trains and rapid trains that do not actually exist to the route map.

常磐線 Joban Line Route Map JR線 JR Line 京急本線 Keikyu Main Line JR線 JR Line 銀座線 Ginza Line 都営浅草線 Toei Asakusa Line ゆりかもめ Yurikamome JR線 JR Line 丸ノ内線 Marunouchi Line JR線 JR Line 銀座線 Ginza Line 日比谷線 Hibiya Line 京成本線 Keisei Main Line 成田スカイアクセス線 Keisei Narita Airport Line 山手線 Yamanote Line 京浜東北線 Keihin-Tohoku Line 京成本線 Keisei Main Line 成田スカイアクセス線 Keisei Narita Airport Line 日暮里・舎人ライナー Nippori-Toneri Liner 日比谷線 Hibiya Line つくばエクスプレス Tsukuba Express 東武スカイツリーライン Tobu Skytree Line 日比谷線 Hibiya Line 千代田線 Chiyoda Line つくばエクスプレス Tsukuba Express 常磐線各駅 Joban Line local 新京成線 Shin-Keisei Line 常磐線各駅 Joban Line local 東武アーバンパークライン Tobu Urban Park Line 常磐線各駅 Joban Line local 成田線我孫子支線 Narita Line Abiko branch line 常磐線各駅 Joban Line local 常磐線各駅 Joban Line local 関東鉄道常総線 Joso Line 関東鉄道竜ケ崎線 Ryugasaki Line 水戸線 Mito Line 常磐線 Joban Line 水郡線 Suigun Line 鹿島臨海鉄道大洗鹿島線 Kashima Rinkai Railway Oarai Kashima Line 品川 Shinagawa 新橋 Shimbashi 東京 Tokyo 上野 Ueno 日暮里 Nippori 三河島 Mikawashima 南千住 Minami-Senju 北千住 Kita-Senju 松戸 Matsudo Kashiwa 我孫子 Abiko 天王台 Tennodai 取手 Toride 藤代 Fujishiro 龍ケ崎市 Ryugasaki-Shi 牛久 Ushiku ひたち野うしく Hitachinoushiku 荒川沖 Arakawaoki 土浦 Tsuchiura 神立 Kandatsu 高浜 Takahama 石岡 Ishioka 羽鳥 Hatori 岩間 Iwama 友部 Tomobe 内原 Uchihara 赤塚 Akatsuka 偕楽園 Kairakuen 水戸 Mito

You can use the images for free, but we do not abandon the copyright. Please use according to the terms of use. You can enlarge or reduce the image by turning the mouse wheel on the image.

Add original arrangements
Display route map
Create other types of train maps
Create a wide-area route map

Add original arrangements

Create a train map with an original arrangement, such as adding a fictitious limited express train.

  • Add original express

    When adding a fictitious express to the route map, please turn on the check of the stop station.

    Express name

  • Set current location

    Make the set station stand out as your current location.

    Current location


Display route map

Press the button to create a route map with the selected conditions.

Create other types of route maps for the Joban Line [Shinagawa to Mito]

Create other types of train maps.

Image of route map - TYPE-A
Image of route map - TYPE-B

Create a wide-area route map

You can create a wide-area route map that arranges Joban Line [Shinagawa to Mito] stations on the map. In addition to the Joban Line [Shinagawa to Mito], combinations of multiple routes are also possible. Please use it when you want to highlight multiple routes on the map.

Image of wide-area route map of Kanagawa Prefecture
Create a wide-area route map
Image of transfer route map in Osaka
Create a transit map
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