[ 51 stations ] Route map of Kagoshima Main Line [Hakata to Yatsushiro] | TYPE-A

Create a TYPE-A route map of the Kagoshima Main Line [Hakata to Yatsushiro]. In addition to existing stations and express trains, you can also add imaginary express trains and rapid trains that do not actually exist to the route map.

停車駅のご案内  Kagoshima Main Line Route Map 他社線のりかえ駅 Transfer Station JR線 JR Line 地下鉄空港線 Subway Kuko Line 地下鉄七隈線 Subway Nanakuma Line 原田線 Haruda Line 甘木鉄道線 Amagi Railway Line 長崎本線 Nagasaki Main Line ゆふ高原線 Yufu Kogen Line 九州新幹線 Kyushu Shinkansen 九州新幹線 Kyushu Shinkansen 西鉄天神大牟田線 Nishitetsu Tenjin Omuta Line 熊本市電B系統 Kumamoto City Tram Route B 熊本電鉄上熊本線 Kumamoto Electric Railway Kami-Kumamoto Line 阿蘇高原線 Aso Kogen Line 三角線 Misumi Line 九州新幹線 Kyushu Shinkansen 熊本市電A系統 Kumamoto City Tram Route A 三角線 Misumi Line 三角線 Misumi Line 三角線 Misumi Line 三角線 Misumi Line 九州新幹線 Kyushu Shinkansen えびの高原線 Ebino Kogen Line 肥薩おれんじ鉄道線 Hisatsu Orange Railway Line 快  速 快  速 Rapid みどり/Green 普  通 普  通 Local あお/Blue 博多 Hakata 竹下 Takeshita 笹原 Sasabaru 南福岡 Minami-Fukuoka 春日 Kasuga 大野城 Onojo 水城 Mizuki 都府楼南 Tofurominami 二日市 Futsukaichi 天拝山 Tempaizan 原田 Haruda けやき台 Keyakidai 基山 Kiyama 弥生が丘 Yayoigaoka 田代 Tashiro 鳥栖 Tosu 肥前旭 Hizen-Asahi 久留米 Kurume 荒木 Araki 西牟田 Nishimuta 羽犬塚 Hainuzuka 筑後船小屋 Chikugo-Funagoya 瀬高 Setaka 南瀬高 Minami-Setaka 渡瀬 Wataze 吉野 Yoshino 銀水 Ginsui 大牟田 Omuta 荒尾 Arao 南荒尾 Minami-Arao 長洲 Nagasu 大野下 Onoshimo 玉名 Tamana 肥後伊倉 Higo-Ikura 木葉 Konoha 田原坂 Tabaruzaka 植木 Ueki 西里 Nishisato 崇城大学前 Sojodaigaku-mae 上熊本 Kami-Kumamoto 熊本 Kumamoto 西熊本 Nishi-Kumamoto 川尻 Kawashiri 富合 Tomiai 宇土 Uto 松橋 Matsubase 小川 Ogawa 有佐 Arisa 千丁 Sencho 新八代 Shin-Yatsushiro 八代 Yatsushiro

You can use the images for free, but we do not abandon the copyright. Please use according to the terms of use. You can enlarge or reduce the image by turning the mouse wheel on the image.

Add original arrangements
Display route map
Create other types of train maps
Create a wide-area route map

Add original arrangements

Create a train map with an original arrangement, such as adding a fictitious limited express train.

  • Add original express

    When adding a fictitious express to the route map, please turn on the check of the stop station.

    Express name

  • Set current location

    Make the set station stand out as your current location.

    Current location
  • Hide transit route names. If there are many transfers, the letters will inevitably overlap and the finished picture will be dirty. If the notation is in the way, please check it to hide it.


Display route map

Press the button to create a route map with the selected conditions.

Create other types of route maps for the Kagoshima Main Line [Hakata to Yatsushiro]

Create other types of train maps.

Image of route map - TYPE-B
Image of route map - TYPE-C

Create a wide-area route map

You can create a wide-area route map that arranges Kagoshima Main Line [Hakata to Yatsushiro] stations on the map. In addition to the Kagoshima Main Line [Hakata to Yatsushiro], combinations of multiple routes are also possible. Please use it when you want to highlight multiple routes on the map.

Image of wide-area route map of Kanagawa Prefecture
Create a wide-area route map
Image of transfer route map in Osaka
Create a transit map
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