Add fictitious express trains and rapid trains to the train route map of Mie Prefecture | TYPE-A
Create a customized route map that you often see in stations and books, using train routes that run in Mie Prefecture, such as Kansai Main Line , Meisho Line, and Kintetsu Osaka Line.

- Contents
- Features of TYPE-A
- Select train name
- Create other types of train maps
- Create a railway map for other prefectures
Features of TYPE-A
Multiple types of stops, such as express trains and rapid trains, can be seen at a glance. If you add the original limited express and rapid type, there are features that make it easy to compare with other types.
Confirmation of stop stations
You can check at a glance the stops of many superior classes such as rapid, limited express, and rapid limited express.
Highlight the station
You can specify your current location and make it stand out on the route map.
Addition of Fictitious Express
You can freely specify the stop station and add a non-existing fictitious express to the route map.
Select train name
19 routes with stations in Mie Prefecture are displayed. Please click the line name to create a route map.
JR Tokai
Kansai Main Line [Nagoya to Kameyama]
From Nagoya to KameyamaKisei Main Line [Kameyama to Shingu]
From Kameyama to ShinguSangu Line
From Taki to TobaMeisho Line
From Matsusaka to Ise-OkitsuJR West
Kusatsu Line
From Tsuge to KusatsuKansai Main Line [Kameyama to Kamo]
From Kameyama to KamoKintetsu Railway
Kintetsu Osaka Line
From Osaka Uehommachi to Ise-NakagawaKintetsu Nagoya Line
From Kintetsu-Nagoya to Ise-NakagawaKintetsu Yunoyama Line
From Kintetsu-Yokkaichi to Yunoyama-OnsenKintetsu Suzuka Line
From Ise-Wakamatsu to HiratachoKintetsu Yamada Line
From Ise-Nakagawa to UjiyamadaKintetsu Toba Line, Shima Line
From Ujiyamada to KashikojimaYoro Railway
Yoro Railway Yoro Line
From Kuwana to IbiYokkaichi Asunarou Railway
Yokkaichi Asunarou Railway Utsube Line
From Asunarou Yokkaichi to UtsubeYokkaichi Asunarou Railway Hachioji Line
From Asunarou Yokkaichi to NishihinoSangi Railway
Sangi Railway Sangi Line
From Kintetsu-Tomida to Nishi-FujiwaraSangi Railway Hokusei Line
From Nishi-Kuwana to AgekiIse Railway
Ise Railway Line
From Yokkaichi to TsuIga Railway
Iga Railway Iga Line
From Iga-Ueno to Iga-Kambe
Create a railway map for other prefectures
Click the image to link to other types of route map creation pages.

Create a railway map for other prefectures
If you would like to create a railway route map for a prefecture other than Mie, please click on the corresponding prefecture below. You cannot create a route map beyond the area. For example, you cannot create a route map that goes from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
- Hokkaido
- Hokkaido
- Tohoku
- Aomori | Iwate | Miyagi | Akita | Yamagata | Fukushima
- Kanto
- Ibaraki | Tochigi | Gunma | Saitama | Chiba | Tokyo | Kanagawa
- Koshinetsu and Hokuriku
- Niigata | Toyama | Ishikawa | Fukui | Yamanashi | Nagano
- Tokai
- Gifu | Shizuoka | Aichi | Mie
- Kansai
- Shiga | Kyoto | Osaka | Hyogo | Nara | Wakayama
- Sanin and Sanyo
- Tottori | Shimane | Okayama | Hiroshima | Yamaguchi
- Shikoku
- Tokushima | Kagawa | Ehime | Kochi
- Kyusyu
- Fukuoka | Saga | Nagasaki | Kumamoto | Oita | Miyazaki | Kagoshima
- Okinawa
- Okinawa